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Five Ways to Drive External Traffic To Amazon Listings

How to Increase Page Views & Sales If you’re an Amazon Seller, you’re very likely already allocating some of your marketing budget to advertise and promote your products within Amazon’s own platform via sponsored ads or any other option.  However, there are other ways to increase awareness,

The Algebra of eCommerce Marketing – Your Success Formula

I know, the title may sound intimidating, especially if you hated math class at school, but I will make it very simple.  When it comes to eCommerce, the most important formula that you need to keep in mind is the following: Visitors X Conversion Rate X Customer

Your Digital Marketing Advertising Checklist

If you’re relatively new to digital marketing or simply would like to have a single source of information to follow while you create your first advertising campaign, the list below is just for you.  Follow these basic steps and you’ll be be ready to develop new campaigns

Video Marketing Statistics – 2019

It seems like no matter how much the Internet grows in so many directions, video content still dominates on all channels and platforms.  And I’m not just talking about the traditional streaming video wars between Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Hulu, etc.  This is purely video for the

Streaming Wars: The Future of Live TV Streaming for Cord-Cutters

In this episode, Manuel is joined by David Gil, host of The Edge Podcast, to go over the best live TV streaming services for cord-cutters. Pros and cons of each of them and the types of features that you should be looking for if you’re planning to

How to Boost Your Product Sales Through Amazon Live

Unless you’ve lived in a cave or hidden off the grid over past few years, I’m sure you’ve heard of YouTube Live, Facebook Live and Instagram Live… and very likely used those channels more than once either recording your own videos or watching your friends’ videos. But

Digital Ads Don’t Work, Or Do They?

If you were lead to believe that any of the most recent scandals regarding online privacy, rigged elections, invasion of privacy or fake news issues are hurting digital marketing and advertising, think again…  Maybe, this is just another case of “there’s no such thing as bad publicity”

The Most Important Takeaways of 2018

While putting together a recap of last year’s most popular podcasts, what I realized was that in 2018 we talked a lot about the shift in media from traditional to digital. It’s not like it wasn’t already happening before, but 2018 was the year that big companies,

MGR Consulting Group – 2018 Year in Review

Here we go again!  Just as 2018 is just about to come to an end, it’s our time to celebrate and toast to our own accomplishments.  And since we are a creative bunch, we’ve created our yearly Infographic to illustrate the highlights of our work.  2018 has

MGR Consulting Group – Fall Project Showcase

You know you’re busy when you don’t even have time to work on your own stuff!  And that’s exactly what’s happening at MGR these days… we have a new website coming, new podcasts in the works with amazing interviewees already lined up, and a lot of other