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Facebook & Instagram Statistics That Every Marketer Should Know

The title of this article says it all.  If you’re in charge of marketing for ANY type of company or industry, ignore these numbers at your own risk. Instagram statistics The following figures prove just how powerful a platform Instagram is for brands and businesses. The total

Understanding GDPR and How it May Affect Your Marketing Practices

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. It addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. The GDPR aims primarily to give control to citizens and residents over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international

Metasearch for Hotels Explained

It’s not secret that one of MGR’s main areas of expertise is in digital marketing for the travel and hospitality industry.  After more than 15 years working with all types of travel professionals, from large hotel chains to the small and independent boutique hotel, I think we’ve

Comparing Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics

If you’re a marketing professional, I’m sure you’re starting to hear more and more about Facebook Analytics.  Perhaps, you’re also already using it to track the performance of some of your digital marketing campaigns. What is Facebook Analytics? It is important to understand that Facebook Analytics is

MGR Consulting Group – March Project Showcase

And just like that, the first quarter of 2018 is now in the books!  Welcome to spring, our favorite time of the year!  But before we spring forward (not a very creative joke…) let me spend a few minutes showcasing a few projects that we’ve worked on

Why You Must Consider Facebook to Complement Your AdWords Advertising

The duopoly between Google and Facebook in the world of digital advertising keeps growing year over year. According to eMarketer, they expect overall digital ad spend in the U.S. to grow 15.9 percent this year—the equivalent of $83 billion in revenue. From this amount, Facebook’s advertising revenue is

You’re Failing at Facebook Marketing – This is How To Do it Right

Here’s the irony.  We’ve all heard how foreign governments have used Facebook advertising to swing presidential elections and political campaigns, not just in the US, but in other countries, including Brexit votes, and countless other political affairs.   There’s an ongoing debate about how social media algorithms have

MGR Consulting Group – February Project Showcase

The year has started at full speed for MGR in all departments.  If you’re a regular subscriber and receive our monthly MGR Edge Newsletter, you already know about some of the new ventures that we have in the works.  It’s so exciting for us and our clients! 

Email Marketing Usage Statistics – 2017

The following information is courtesy of Litmus ( a company and service that MGR relies on for all sorts of Email testing while working with different email clients. EMAIL CLIENT MARKET SHARE 2017 We tracked 15 billion email opens in 2017 to determine where subscribers are reading emails.

Getting Yourself More Familiar with Web Accessibility

While web accessibility isn’t a new topic, it’s been gaining more recognition and social momentum within the last few years. As a matter of fact, a first of its kind lawsuit was brought against online streaming entertainment giant Netflix by the American Council of the Blind (ACB)