Video Marketing Stats 2019 - MGR Blog

It seems like no matter how much the Internet grows in so many directions, video content still dominates on all channels and platforms.  And I’m not just talking about the traditional streaming video wars between Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Hulu, etc.  This is purely video for the masses.  User generated content shared through a variety of social media platforms with millions of viewers and shares worldwide.  Take a quick look!

Video Marketing Volume Statistics

First up, let’s take a look at some of the most striking statistics when it comes to the volume of internet users that spend time watching video content online.

  • YouTube has more than one billion users, making up nearly a third of total internet users.
  • 45% of internet users spend more than an hour watching YouTube or Facebook videos every single week.
  • In total, over 500 million hours of video content are watched on YouTube every day.
  • 82% of Twitter users watch video content whilst on Twitter.
  • More than 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
  • Saudi Arabia has the highest daily online video access than any other country, with 98% of the population able to watch video content.
  • Out of all activity online, one-third of it is spent watching visual content.
  • 85% of internet users in the US watch videos online.

Mobile Video Marketing Statistics

Mobile phones enable internet users to access visual content whilst on the go. Here are some statistics about phones and video activity.

  • More than half of all video content viewed is accessed on mobile.
  • 90% of videos watched on Twitter are accessed via mobile devices.
  • 92% of those that watch videos on mobile share videos with other people.
  • More than 200 million video broadcasts have been created on Periscope.
  • Over 10 million videos are viewed on Snapchat every single day.

Video Marketing Engagement Statistics

Whilst producing visual content is helpful in the context of marketing, unless viewers are actually engaged in your content, they probably won’t take an interest in your products or services.

That being said, let’s run through some important statistics from the perspective of viewer engagement.

  • Worldwide, 51% of marketing professionals claim that video provides the best return on investment above all other forms of content.
  • When using video, marketers see revenue increases 49% faster than those that don’t use video.
  • 59% of executives agree that, when both video and text options are available on a piece of content such as a news report, they’re more likely to select a video.
  • 64% of consumers choose to make purchases after watching social media videos from brands.
  • On social media, videos generate a staggering 12 times more shares than both text- and image-based content combined.
  • Videos uploaded to Facebook are viewed 10 times more than Facebook-shared YouTube links.
  • Of all videos viewed on Facebook, 85% are watched without sound.
  • Views on branded videos have increased by 258% on Facebook and 99% on Facebook, as reported in June 2017.
  • Video marketing has driven an increase in traffic by 157% from Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)
  • Blogs that incorporate video attract 3 times as many inbound links when compared to those without video.
  • Videos that are up to 2 minutes in length appear to generate the most engagement.
  • When websites have videos on their landing page, conversions have been shown to increase by more than 80%.
  • Landing pages that feature a video are 53% more likely to make it to the first page of search engine results.
  • 46% of video viewers act after watching advertisements.
  • Videos draw in 2-3 times as many monthly videos when compared with other forms of content.
  • Full-page advertising campaigns that feature video have seen a 22% increase in engagement.

Random Video Marketing Facts

  • Of all consumer traffic, videos on the internet made up 69% of global consumer internet traffic in the year of 2017.
  • Viewers retain as much as 95% of the message communicated by a piece of content when they watch it in video format, as opposed to just 10% when accessing it by text.
  • Internet traffic from video accounts for around 80% of all traffic.
  • On average, users spend 88% more time on sites that feature video content.

Business Video Marketing Statistics

Visual marketing is a key component of business success. Here are some of the top statistics relating to video marketing and businesses.

  • In 2017, 63% of all businesses were using video content as a marketing tool. That figure rose to 81% at the beginning of 2018, and 87% in 2019.
  • 6 out of 10 people surveyed would prefer to watch videos online than television.
  • 78% of internet users watch online videos every week, with 55% viewing videos online on a daily basis.
  • By the year 2022, online videos are predicted to make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic – 15 times more than it was in 2017.
  • Facebook executives have predicted that by 2021, their platform will be comprised entirely of video content and no text.
  • Following Google, YouTube is the second most visited website online.
  • More than 1 billion hours of content are viewed on YouTube every single day.
  • 75% of all video views are viewed on mobile devices.
  • 72% of customers would prefer to learn about a product or service by watching a video.
  • By the year 2020, nearly 1 million minutes of video content will be viewed per second.
  • Internet users are 1.5 times more likely to watch videos on their mobile phones than other platforms.
  • 92% of mobile video viewers also share video content with others.

Social Media Video Statistics

Facebook and YouTube spearheaded the rise in the popularity of visual content. Now, though, videos are commonplace in the social sphere of the internet. The significance of video messaging has increased not just on Facebook and YouTube, but across all platforms.

  • When looking to find a solution to a problem, 65% of people turn to YouTube for answers.
  • 90% of Twitter video viewers watch content on a mobile device.
  • 62% of people surveyed claimed that they were more interested in a product after watching a video about it in the form of a Facebook story.
  • Social media posts with video have been shown to attract 48% more views.
  • 45% of Twitter users want to see more videos from celebrities.
  • Video campaigns on LinkedIn have view rates of 50%.
  • Social media videos get shared 1200% more than text- and image-based content combined.
  • Mobile video ad expenses are expected to comprise approximately 72% of the total digital ad spend this year.
  • More than 1.9 billion people use YouTube, which comprises around one-third of the internet.
  • The highest earner on YouTube earned $22 million last year alone.
  • Facebook has over 8 billion video views per day.
  • 75 million people visit Facebook’s video platform every day.

Video Marketing Best Practices

Clearly, video marketing is an incredibly powerful tool. When using it, though, it’s important to keep a few things in mind in order to maximize your chances of success.

  • Generally, videos that are less than two minutes in length receive the best engagement.
  • 65% of viewers tend to skip online video advertisements as soon as the option becomes available.
  • 73% of B2B marketers claim that video marketing has impacted their return on investment positively.
  • 33% of viewers will stop watching a video after the first 30 seconds. 45% stop before one minute, and 60% by two minutes.
  • 85% of Facebook videos are viewed with no sound. 60% of Instagram stories, on the other hand, are viewed with sound.
  • Chrome automatically blocks autoplay ads in order to ensure that 82% of Chrome users that dislike auto ads will continue to use their platform.
  • 93% of marketers use video.

Pretty incredible numbers!  And with technology constantly improving on all sectors, from hardware, software and mobile devices becoming more powerful with each new model, to broadband connections adopting 5G in the coming months, you can rest assured that this trend will just continue to grow even faster than it has in the past few years.

Thank you for reading.  Until next time, this is Manuel Gil del Real (MGR)

Sources: Bitdownloader and others as per respective links.

Photo by Nicolas LB on Unsplash